Crabbe, R. 1986 New Zealand Geological Survey geological resource map of New Zealand 1:250 000 sheet QM323 Wairoa. Lower Hutt: New Zealand Geological Survey. New Zealand Geological Survey report M 147. 19 p.
Abstract: The Wairoa sheet area is poorly endowed with a limited variety of non-metallic geological resources. Some indurated sedimentary units have been worked in the past for aggregate, but currently this is obtained from Quaternary fluvial and beach deposits. There are no high-quality aggregate resources in the area. Limestones potentially usable for aggregate or cement are quite widespread but are not exploited. Bentonite, some of which may be usable, occurs in several localities. In spite of extensive natural hydrocarbon showings (gas and oil seeps), five holes drilled in the area have proved dry or unproductive; future potential exists but is difficult to assess. Hot springs at Morere have no potential beyond local tourist / medicine use. The Quaternary deposits near the coast are a significant source of groundwater, but quality and quantity are variable.