Park, J. 1918 The geology of the Oamaru district, North Otago (Eastern Otago division). Wellington: Government Printer. New Zealand Geological Survey bulletin 20 119 p.
Abstract: The area dealt with comprises a maritime belt bounded on the north by the Waitaki River and on the south by the Kakanui River. It includes the whole of the Oamaru survey district, the greater portion of the Papakaio survey district, and a small portion of the Awamoko survey district. It is original state the land was mostly covered with native grasses or stunted shrubs. The surface features consist of undulating meadow lands on the southern portion, and of a gently sloping dissected tableland in the northern. The soil is everywhere fertile, and most of it is arable. For the most part the land is divided into small holdings. Throughout the Dominion, North Otago is celebrated for its production of wheat, oats, and potatoes. (auth/DG)