The geology of the Kaitangata-Green Island subdivision, eastern and central Otago divisions

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Ongley, M. 1939 The geology of the Kaitangata-Green Island subdivision, eastern and central Otago divisions. Wellington: Government Printer. New Zealand Geological Survey bulletin 38 90 p.

Abstract: This bulletin describes an area of 1,100 square miles in the south-eastern part of Otago. The district described lies south-east of Dunedin and was one of the earliest occupied in New Zealand. It contains the excellent arable lands of the Taieri and Tokomairiro plains, and much hill pasture. Though gold does not occur in payable amount. The nearness to an important commercial and industrial centre, combined with good railway transport, have ensured that the extensive seams of low-grade coals are utilized. Deposits of limestone, clay, and sand have also proved of much value to industry. These resources, as well as the geology and physiography of the district, are described in the bulletin. (auth/DG)