Waterhouse, J.B. 1964 Permian stratigraphy and faunas of New Zealand. Wellington, NZ: Government Printer. New Zealand Geological Survey bulletin 72 111 p.
Abstract: This bulletin reviews the Permian stratigraphy and faunas of New Zealand. In North Auckland hexacorals, Yabeina and Neoschwagerina indicate a Kazanian correlation. Formations of the classic Nelson Permian are described. The Permian of the Hollyford and Eglington valleys is elaborated from Grindley (1958), and one new formation, the Annear Sandstone, is proposed for beds equivalent to the Tramway beds of Nelson. Correlation of the Nelson Permian with the Hollyford-Eglington Permian is discussed. Facies change in the younger Permian to the south and east. To the east the fauna listed from the shelf deposits of the Arthurian Group is possibly Kazanian and has affinities with Indonesia, Asia, and North America, rather than with eastern Australia. In the Takitimu Mountains and the Wairaki HIlls, western Southland, are found the richest Permian faunas of New Zealand. Overlying limestone is correlated with the Wooded Peak Limestone at the base of the Maitai Group (Kazanian), and the topmost zone is correlatd with the Stephens Formation of Nelson, of Tatarian age. The Permian at Mataura Island is described, with three formations, the Waimahaka Limestone, The Pine Bush Formation, and the Titiroa Limestone (at the top). Biostratigraphic zones are briefly discussed. For time-rock mapping it is sufficient in the meantime to use the tentative correlations with the world-standard Russian sequence. Rates of accumulation and sedimentation in the different Permian groups and Mesozoic rocks are compared, and the Permian deposition summarised. (auth/EB)