Beu, A.G.; Grant-Taylor, T.L.; Hornibrook, N. de B. 1980 Te Aute limestone facies. Scale 1:250,000. Wellington: Department of Scientific and Industrial Research. Miscellaneous series map / New Zealand Geological Survey 13 2 fold. maps + 1 booklet
Abstract: The main purpose of this map is to show the distribution and age of the Te Aute limestone facies. Limestone of Pliocene age forms striking topographic features on the east coast of the North Island, from northern Hawkes Bay to northern Wairarapa. Scarps and dip slopes are prominent in the ranges on both sides of the East Coast Inland Depression. On the north-west side of this depression limestone occupies the eastern flank of the northern part of the Ruahine Range, continues north-east along the crest of the Te Waka and Maungaharuru Ranges at altitudes up to 1300 m., and then bends southwards in the Wairoa-Tiniroto region. Remnants of formerly more extensive sheets are preserved still further north in the Poverty Bay district. On the south-east side of the East Coast Inland Depression, limestone scarps and dip slopes form many of the low ranges extending from the southern edge of the Heretaunga Plains south-westwards to Mauriceville. On the northern end of the East Coast Highlands, limestone forms an extensive plateau, and on the eastern side of the highlands it extends sporadically from near Cape Kidnappers to Cape Turnagain. (auth/MSJ)