Cretaceous-Cenozoic geology and biostratigraphy of the Chatham Islands, New Zealand

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Campbell, H.J.; Andrews, P.B.; Beu, A.G.; Maxwell, P.A.; Edwards, A.R.; Laird, M.G.; Hornibrook, N. de B.; Mildenhall, D.C.; Watters, W.A.; Buckeridge, J.S.; Lee, D.E.; Strong, C.P.; Wilson, G.J.; Hayward, B.W. 1993 Cretaceous-Cenozoic geology and biostratigraphy of the Chatham Islands, New Zealand. Lower Hutt: Institute of Geological & Nuclear Sciences. Institute of Geological & Nuclear Sciences monograph 2 269 p. + 1 map

Abstract: The Chatham Islands are situated at the eastern end of the Chatham Rise, a major elongate submarine extension of the New Zealand subcontinent. They constitute a small geological window on the Rise and, as such, an understanding of their geology is fundamental to any interpretation of geological and geophysical investigations undertaken on the Rise. This bulletin is particularly concerned with the Cretaceous-Cenozoic geology of the Chatham Islands, It presents the results of investigations that sought to clarify the nature, age and paleoenvironmental interpretation of all recognised lithostratigraphic units. The data and interpretations presented are more refined, more precise and more accurate than previous studies have achieved, and provide an excellent basis for future investigation and exploration on the Chatham Rise in particular. The study reaffirms previous thinking that the Chatham Islands have been isolated oceanic islands for at least 70 m.y. The bulletin describes the Cretaceous-Cenozoic geology of the Chatham Islands in six chapters: 1) general information, 2) previous investigations, 3) outline of geology, 4) Cretaceous-Cenozoic stratigraphy, 5) synthesis and 6) aspects of economic and applied geology. The map sheet includes a 1:250 000 map of the whole Chatham Islands group (map 1), a 1:75 000 map of central and northern Chatham Islnad (map 2) and a 1:50 000 map of northern Pitt Island (map 3). Five appendices present basic data on 1) foraminifera and calcareous nannofossil samples, 2) macrofossil localities and collections, 3) palynomoprph samples and localities, 4) stratigraphic columns and 5) radiometric dates. these are 33 tables of fossil lists (one list exceeds 300 species), at least 85 photographs, and a number of small maps, diagrams and paleogeographic reconstructions. Discussion of economic and applied geological considerations of resources in the Chatham Islands includes brief accounts of peat surveys on Chatham Island, hydrocarbon exploration on the Chatham rise, and water resources, geological hazards and cultural artefacts in the Chatham Islands. (auths/NJT)

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