Atlas of isoseismal maps of New Zealand earthquakes : 1843-2003

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Downes, G.L.; Dowrick, D.J. 2014 Atlas of isoseismal maps of New Zealand earthquakes : 1843-2003. Lower Hutt, NZ: GNS Science. GNS Science monograph 25 1 DVD


Abstract: This second edition of the Atlas of Isoseismal Maps of New Zealand earthquakes contains the isoseismal maps for 185 New Zealand earthquakes in the period from 1843-2003. It includes many earthquakes previously without isoseismal maps as well as revisions to isoseismal maps, magnitudes, epicentres, depths and intensities that have been made since the first edition of the Atlas was published in 1995. Each isoseismal map is accompanied by a brief description of the earthquake and its effects, the most recently calculated MM intensities, hypocentral parameters, magnitudes and source parameters (if known), an indication of revisions that have been made to these since 1995, as well as comprehensive references to relevant published papers. (auth)

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