Saunders, W.S.A.; Glassey, P.J. (comps) 2007 Guidelines for assessing planning policy and consent requirements for landslide prone land. Lower Hutt: GNS Science. GNS Science miscellaneous series 7 71 p.
Abstract: These guidelines primarily aim to assist planners (and other interested parties) in determining whether planning documents and resource consent applications at regional and district levels incorporate appropriate information on landslide and slope instability hazards. They provide information on the criteria used to assess landslide hazards at the consent stage, and examples of issues, objectives, policies, rules, and assessment criteria. Basic landslide concepts are outlined to assist planners in understanding landslide processes, triggers, hazard and risk assessment. Due to the nature of landsliding across New Zealand, the guidelines do not provide prescriptive planning requirements. Rather, they will provide the planner with guidance on what should be considered, and a glimpse of how council’s are incorporating landslides into their planning practices. These guidelines will also be of interest to emergency management planners, engineering geologists, engineers, and others who deal with landslide issues. It is envisaged that these guidelines will be regularly reviewed and updated as knowledge, technical standards and practices evolve, and as legislative changes occur. (auth)