Continued Professional Development (CPD) Strategy for natural hazards

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Saunders WSA. 2020. Continued Professional Development (CPD) Strategy for natural hazards. Lower Hutt (NZ): GNS Science. 10 p. (GNS Science miscellaneous series; 138). doi:10.21420/QSHF-G424.

In July 2020, Dr Wendy Saunders of GNS Science became the ‘EQC Champion of Land Use Planning for Natural Hazards’. With support from the planning team at GNS Science, the position is for three years. There are three key objectives associated with the role:

1. to build land use planning capacity and capability in natural hazards and climate change;
2. to contribute to national and local initiatives that lead to improved land use planning outcomes for Aotearoa New Zealand; and
3. to undertake research in land use planning for natural hazards, including the effects of climate change.

These objectives are aligned with three key outcomes in the EQC Resilience Strategy:

1. Councils need to actively consider natural hazards in their short-term and long-term planning (p. 6).
2. Urban and land use planners must understand the value of incorporating resilience planning principles and options for avoiding the worst hazard risks in urban and land use plans (p. 6).
3. Smarter land use avoids the worst risks (p. 9).

The focus of this Continued Professional Development (CPD) Strategy is Objective 1, details of which are presented in Figure 1. The primary activity is to support and increase engagement of the planning profession in better managing natural hazards and climate change; in this case, through CPD. The associated milestone is to develop this CPD plan with the New Zealand Planning Institute (NZPI) to inform future CPD activities, with the anticipated outcome being better planning for natural hazards, including the effects of climate change. (auth)