Pecher, I.A.; Stagpoole, V.M.; Henrys, S.A. 2011 7th International Workshop on Methane Hydrate Research and Development (Fiery Ice 2010) Te Papa, Wellington, New Zealand, 10-12 May 2010 : workshop report. Lower Hutt: GNS Science. GNS Science miscellaneous series 36 29, [57] p.
Abstract: The workshop took place from 10-12 May 2010, preceded by a field trip on 9 May 2010 and followed by a post-conference workshop on New Zealand gas hydrates at GNS Science on 13 May 2010. 61 registrants took part from 15 countries. The key theme of the workshop was “Characterization of Gas Hydrate Reservoirs”. The conference consisted of one oral stream, a single poster session and eight breakout sessions for discussions. A common thread running through the conference was that economic viability of gas production from hydrates is now being viewed as a realistic possibility within the next decade. Exploration techniques very similar to those for conventional oil and gas exploration have recently been developed and ground-truthed. A Petroleum System approach to understand gas hydrate occurrences is also in development; again very similar to approaches used for conventional hydrocarbon studies. There was also an almost surprising agreement on several previously hotly debated topics. A distinctive highlight of the workshop was a speech given by Hon. Gerry Brownlee, Minister for Economic Development and Minister for Energy. This speech emphasized that the New Zealand government is seriously analysing its options for development of its gas hydrate resource. (auth/DG)