Lovett, A.P. (ed.) 2016 Groundwater - Surface Water Interaction Workshop, 31 August - 1 September 2015, Te Papa Tongarewa Museum, Wellington : presentations. Lower Hutt, N.Z.: GNS Science. GNS Science miscellaneous series 92 iv, 322 p.
Abstract: A two day workshop on groundwater - surface water (GW-SW) interaction was held at Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa, Wellington from 31 August – 1 September, 2015. The workshop was convened by GNS Science and was an output of the GNS Science-led Smart Aquifer Characterisation (SAC) MBIE funded contestable research programme. The workshop was delivered on behalf of the Groundwater Alliance and included contributions from Aqualinc Research, Auckland Council, Environment Southland, Environmental and Scientific Research, Horizons, Lincoln Agritech, Ministry for the Environment, National Institute for Water and Atmospheric Research, Pattle Delamore Partners, and University of Waikato. The workshop was attended by 64 participants studying or working in the areas of freshwater science and policy at the national and regional scales. The aim of the workshop was to increase knowledge base, and stimulate exchange of ideas between research organisations and policy staff via dissemination of research results in an interactive environment. A workshop environment was selected as it provided the best opportunities for sharing of knowledge, and because stakeholders had identified workshops as the preferred method for dissemination of research results during the New Zealand Hydrological Society annual conference in Wellington, 2012. Session topics covered important aspects of GW-SW interaction in New Zealand including: field methods; modelling; uncertainty; water budgets; and policy. The intent was for the workshop to follow an Interactive Skills Workshop format; however some sessions were given in a conference format at the preference of individual session facilitators. Sessions involved: discussions and reporting in revolving sub-groups; sub-group interactive sessions with opportunities for feedback and questions; and conference-style presentations with question and answer opportunities. The topics of modelling, water budget and uncertainty included technical overview and modelling exercises of stream depletion. The policy sessions involved interactive role-play to elicit community values, district and national policy in an imaginary catchment, including an Environment Court hearing. (auth)