Stevens, G.R. 1968 The Jurassic system in New Zealand. Lower Hutt: New Zealand Geological Survey. Report NZGS 35 26 p.
Abstract: Jurassic rocks are found in four main areas of New Zealand (Southwest Auckland, Bay of Plenty, North Canterbury, Southeast Otago and Southland) and were deposited in the New Zealand Geosyncline, the filling of which probably started in Carboniferous or early Permian. This report looks at their structural, sedimentary and biogeographic framework. New Zealand Jurassic faunas are frequently rich in bivalves, but ammonites and other fossils useful for external correlation are often sparsely distributed, particularly in the Lower and Middle Jurassic. As correlations with International Divisions can be provided only at scattered horizons in the stratigraphic column, local stages have been recognised and are described here. These are broadly correlated with the International Divisions. (auth/ARC)