Volcanic tsunami threat level database: pilot phase

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Gusman, A.R.; Wang, X. 2024 Volcanic tsunami threat level database: pilot phase. Lower Hutt, N.Z.: GNS Science. GNS Science report 2024/05. 176 p.; doi: 10.21420/GD64-6S52


On 15 January 2022, the Hunga Tonga–Hunga Haʻapai (HTHH) volcano in Tonga erupted and generated tsunami that reached the New Zealand coast and beyond. At that time, no precomputed volcanic tsunami scenario was readily available to assist with the tsunami response. The Tsunami Experts Panel (TEP) relied on expert judgements from observed tsunami data from DART buoys together with existing tsunamigenic earthquake scenarios to assess the potential threat of the HTHH tsunami to New Zealand. In this work, we developed a tsunami threat level database from a limited number of volcanic tsunami source scenarios for 28 volcanoes located in New Zealand and the Kermadec Ridge south of 25° south. Our focus was on localised source mechanisms to evaluate tsunami threat from the selected volcanoes for this source type. The simulation results were used to make tsunami threat level maps, tsunami travel time estimates, and waveform plots at coastal gauges and offshore DART stations. The maps, plots, and estimates produced in this study were designed for the use of TEP members only to inform potential future responses to volcanic tsunami.