Wilson, T.J.; Lawver, L.A.; Henrys, S.A.; Mukasa, S.; Horgan, H.; Weiderspahn, M.; Davis, M.; Whittaker, J.; Lowe, A.; Watson, M. 2004 Cruise report NBP0401 19 January to 18 February 2004 : McMurdo Station to McMurdo Station, Ross Sea, Antarctica . Lower Hutt: Institute of Geological & Nuclear Sciences. Institute of Geological & Nuclear Sciences science report 2004/03 79 p. + 1CDROM
Abstract: This report documents the acquisition of underway geophysical data carried out in McMurdo Sound and western Ross Sea, Antarctica between 18 January and 18 February 2004 by the RVIB Nathaniel B Palmer (NBP0401). Over 8,000 km2 of swath data were collected, together with 2500 km of seismic data (2000 km MCS lines and 500 km SCS lines) during NBP0401. Seismic refraction data were also collected at 55 sonobuoys stations. Underway gravity was obtained along all profiles and magnetic data collected when ice conditions permitted. 131 rocks samples for geochronology and geochemistry were collected; 29 of these were collected on Franklin Island, during a visit by zodiac, and the rest were recovered from dredging seven widely spaced submarine volcanic edifices. (auth)