Leonard, G.S.; Johnston, D.M. 2004 Tabulated results of the 2004 Canterbury Civil Defence and Emergency Management Group awareness and preparedness survey . Lower Hutt: Institute of Geological & Nuclear Sciences. Institute of Geological & Nuclear Sciences science report 2004/35 89 p.
Abstract: In February and March 2004 a survey of awareness, preparedness and perceptions related to Civil Defence and Emergency Management (CDEM) in the Canterbury region was conducted on a random sample of Canterbury residents, and on a selection of organisations. The results will feed into the Canterbury CDEM Group’s planning process. Samples of 144 residents and 41 organisations responded, and this report presents the tabulated results of these responses. Cross-tabulations and ranking have been applied to many questions where appropriate. These results are analysed and interpreted in a separate report. More vulnerable and marginalised groups tend to be under-represented in the sample and interpretation should be qualified accordingly. (auth)