Leonard, G.S.; Kelman, I.; Johnston, D.M. 2004 Residential impacts, perceptions and preparedness related to the Lower Hutt City February 2004 flooding : preliminary results . Lower Hutt: Institute of Geological & Nuclear Sciences. Institute of Geological & Nuclear Sciences science report 2004/38 50 p.
Abstract: In February 2004 a sustained period of heavy rainfall caused flooding across the lower North Island of New Zealand. Significant flooding occurred in parts of the Manawatu region, the Wairarapa district, the Kapiti Coast and Lower Hutt. Within Lower Hutt, the Gracefield-Waiwhetu area was affected in particular, mostly by flooding from Waiwhetu Stream and tributaries. This report presents the tabulated results of a survey of Lower Hutt residents undertaken to (a) accurately estimate insured and uninsured losses and indirect impacts and losses, (b) record sources and timings of warnings as they were perceived by respondents, (c) characterise the hazard awareness before and after the floods, and (d) characterise the hazard preparedness/resilience before and after the floods. It does not contain any interpretation or analysis. This will be conducted in conjunction with data from the wider lower North Island in a subsequent study. (auth)