Aggregate opportunity modelling for New Zealand

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Hill MP. 2021. Aggregate opportunity modelling for New Zealand. Lower Hutt (NZ): GNS Science. 106 p. (GNS Science report; 2021/10). doi:10.21420/1RKC-QB05.


Efficient utilisation of New Zealand’s aggregate resources is critical to supporting infrastructure development as well as reducing operational and transport costs related to extraction of the raw materials. A mineral potential modelling approach has been used to identify places with opportunity for future hard rock and gravel extraction across New Zealand. Geographic information system (GIS) software has been used to build a spatial model of the critical components of aggregate opportunity using digital geological, land-use, statistical and geographic data. Model components include source rocks, land use, future demand, supporting infrastructure and cultural sensitivity that use 23 mappable criteria layers. These are combined using the fuzzy logic expert-weighted spatial modelling technique to qualitatively rank aggregate resource opportunities at a national scale. The resulting maps and their GIS based equivalent datasets of gravel and hard rock aggregate opportunity can be used to manage aggregate resources, generate targets for exploration activities and provide insight into future resources. (auth)

Note. The download includes both a PDF of the GNS Science report and a zip file of Appendix 2: Regional maps of aggregate opportunity.

The digital GIS data and other digital appendices can also be downloaded from the GNS Science Dataset Catalogue: