Viskovic, G.P.D.; Wilson, T.M. 2021 History of New Zealand pre-digital seismograph stations. Lower Hutt, N.Z.: GNS Science. GNS Science report 2021/55. 86 p.; doi: 10.21420/9YJA-DE02
The Geophysics Division of the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR) published a historical catalogue of New Zealand seismograph stations that provided metadata on station history and instrument changes (Smith 1981). This invaluable resource comprehensively covered station and instrumental changes for the pre-1980 period but needs additions to cover the subsequent period until 2001 when the last analogue paper recording stations were decommissioned from the network and GeoNet took over management of the sensor network. This current report builds off the original work done by Smith (1981) using data from the annual New Zealand seismological reports published by GNS Science and its predecessor organisations to fill in data gaps. It aims to update the earlier work of Smith while providing further information on the history of seismological recording and ultimately enable further utilisation of the Earthquake Information Database (auth)