Thingbaijam KKS, Rattenbury MS, Van Dissen RJ, Gerstenberger MC, Ristau J. 2022. A simple model of faulting patterns for distributed seismicity in New Zealand. Lower Hutt (NZ): GNS Science. 45 p. (GNS Science report; 2022/10). doi:10.21420/3ADY-7150.
We construct a preliminary model of faulting mechanisms, namely the New Zealand Distributed Seismicity Faulting Model, for events with magnitude larger than MW 6.5. This model will complement the distributed seismicity models for shallow (hypocentral depths ≤40 km) crustal earthquakes in New Zealand and inform the 2022 New Zealand National Seismic Hazard Model. Input datasets include the New Zealand Community Fault Model, the New Zealand Active Fault Database and geological map-based fault datasets, and delineations of the neotectonic domains. We incorporate the local and regional variability of fault-strike and slip rake angles to postulate dominant faulting mechanisms. Eventually, we demonstrate that the developed faulting model agrees – to some extent – with the GeoNet regional moment tensor catalogue in terms of the orientations of P- and T-axes. (The authors)