Kinematics of the New Zealand plate boundary: field report on GNSS surveys in Southland/Fiordland (FIOR2023)

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Hart, R.J.A.; Palmer, N.G. 2023 Kinematics of the New Zealand plate boundary: field report on GNSS surveys in Southland/Fiordland (FIOR2023). Lower Hutt, N.Z.: GNS Science. GNS Science report 2023/17. 27 p.; doi: 10.21420/VX6X-EN68


Between 30 January and 24 February 2023, a team from GNS Science, Land Information New Zealand (LINZ) and University of Otago Survey School (OUSD) re-measured a network of 90 geodetic survey markers using Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) methods throughout the Southland/Fiordland region of New Zealand for monitoring the regional deformation due to tectonic processes. Previous GNSS surveys of this region have been carried out in 2016 (FIOR 2016 [Hreinsdóttir S. 2020]), 2014 (FIOR 2014 [unpublished]), 2009 (FIOR 2009, & FIOR 2010 [Palmer N.G. 2010]), 2006/07 (FIOR 2006, FIOR 2006A & FIOR 2007 [Palmer N.G. et al. 2009]) and 2003-2005 (FIOR 2003, FIOR 2003A, FIOR 2004 & FIOR 2005 [Palmer N.G. et al. 2006]). This report documents the field operations of the FIOR2023 survey. It describes the logistics of the campaign, the sites occupied, and the data collected. The observations and data collected during this survey are intended to fulfil GNS Science’s obligation to Land Information New Zealand under the contract as outlined below. Contract name: “Regional Deformation Monitoring Service”.