Recovery of critical infrastructure networks : a methodology to identify significant recovery factors for planning and decision-making

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Syed, Y.I.; Uma, S.R., 2023 Recovery of critical infrastructure networks : a methodology to identify significant recovery factors for planning and decision-making. Lower Hutt, N.Z.: GNS Science. GNS Science report 2023/32. 27 p.; doi: 10.21420/118S-NZ82


Critical infrastructure (CI) networks, such as electricity, transportation, potable water, natural gas and telecommunications, are required to provide essential services for the community to recover after a disruptive event. However, these networks are generally vulnerable to hazard events that can cause severe damage resulting in loss of functionality and lack of services. The recovery process of CI networks becomes complex when considering interdependencies and it is a challenging task for CI network providers and relevant decision-makers to plan and execute. To help recovery processes, high-level recommendations are available as guidelines by government sectors. However, for the process to be effective and efficient for a givenCI network provider, we have presented a methodology to identify the factors that significantly influence the recovery outcomes. Our research methodology is based on an effective knowledge elicitation process that enabled us to build a knowledge base to understand the requirements, possibilities and constraints specific to a CI network. The identified significant recovery factors are essential components in developing computational recovery models that are useful to simulate multiple recovery scenarios for assisting efficient recovery planning and decision making.