Scheele, F.R.; Paulik, R. 2024 Household impacts and relocation following the 2021 Westport flooding: results of a survey. Lower Hutt, N.Z.: GNS Science. GNS Science report 2024/19. 61 p.; doi: 10.21420/YRMN-1A17
Heavy rainfall led to significant flooding of residential areas in Westport, Buller District, during 17–18 July 2021. Approximately 2065 people were evacuated, over 300 people stayed in emergency accommodation, 71 homes received red placards (deemed unsafe to occupy) and 388 received yellow placards (uninhabitable until repaired). The displacement of residents and subsequent recovery of uninhabitable dwellings led to major disruption for residents. To gather data on the experiences of affected residents, a paper-based questionnaire was delivered to households in affected areas during 5–6 July 2023. The survey asked participants questions regarding property impacts; re-location decision-making; temporary accommodation types, locations, timeframes and suitability; and demographics. This report presents the results of the survey (auths)