Smith, N.J.; Kim, J.-H.; McDonald, G.W. 2016 Auckland water outage scenario : modelling the economic consequences of interruptions in infrastructure service using MERIT. Lower Hutt, N.Z.: GNS Science. ERI research report 2016/02 96 p.; doi: 10.21420/G2388T
Abstract: This report describes the first infrastructure outage tested by the research team. The infrastructure outage is a hypothetical scenario of a significant interruption in water supply for the Auckland region. The water outage scenario was developed in conjunction with Watercare Services Ltd. (Watercare), an Auckland Council-Controlled Organisation responsible for water service provision, and is considered a plausible, but very unlikely scenario, for the Auckland region. The scenario is fully outlined in the ERI Science Report series, Buxton et al. (2014). Initial modelling results indicate that the water outage scenario would result in significant economic consequences for the Auckland region. (auth)