Kim, J.-H.; Smith, N.J.; McDonald, G.W. 2016 Auckland electricity outage scenario : modelling the economic consequences of interruptions in infrastructure service using MERIT. Lower Hutt, N.Z.: GNS Science. ERI research report 2016/04 v, 23 p.; doi: 10.21420/G2TS3M
Abstract: In the ERI programme we developed a Dynamic Interoperability Input-Output Model (DIIM) to assess the economic impacts of a hypothetical electricity outage scenario in the Auckland region. We apply a hypothetical electricity transmission infrastructure loss scenario, co-developed with Transpower (electricity provider) and Vector (electricity retailer), to test the impacts of a substantial electricity outage in Auckland. The probability of the scenario is highly unlikely, but plausible for the Auckland region. The scenario is fully outlined in the ERI Science Report series, Buxton et al. (2014).