King, P.R.; Naish, T.R.; Browne, G.H.; Field, B.D.; Edbrooke, S.W. 1999 Cretaceous to Recent sedimentary patterns in New Zealand. Lower Hutt: Institute of Geological & Nuclear Sciences. Institute of Geological & Nuclear Sciences folio series 1. 1 v.
Abstract: The Cretaceous to Recent sedimentary succession in New Zealand corresponds to a 100 m.y. first-order transgressive-regressive "megasequence", that reflects the composite evolution of sedimentary basins within a tectonic continuum from intra-continental rift to convergent margin orogenic belt. Seven second-order depositional cycles, of 5 to 25 m.y. duration, are superimposed on the overall stratigraphic succession. These cycles are generally correlatable between regions as major unconformity-bound transgressive or regressive packages, with characteristic subsidence profiles. The second-order cycles were primarily controlled by distinct tectonic phases related broadly to plate tectonic setting, although their development was generally markedly different on eastern and western sides of the proto-New Zealand sub-continent. This study seeks to synthesise the current "state of knowledge" of New Zealand's sedimentary basin evolution within the most highly-resolved chronostratigraphic framework currently available. The primary aim is to compare and contrast depositional successions between regions or basins, and to document any widely-occurring patterns and events within the evolving New Zealand sub-continent. A second aim is to analyse what fundamental factors (local and global) controlled depositional facies patterns, inherent cyclicity, and significant breaks in the stratigraphic record. Our template for elucidating these depositional controls draws upon recent plate reconstructions, global sea-level models, and paleo-oceanographic reconstructions for the southwestern Pacific Ocean. Finally, we evaluate the relationships between broad stratigraphic trends and regional hydrocarbon prospectivity. (auth/JIH)