Allibone, A.H.; Forsyth, P.J.; Sewell, R.J.; Turnbull, I.M.; Bradshaw, M.A. 1991 Geology of the Thundergut area, Southern Victoria Land, Antarctica. Scale 1:50,000. Lower Hutt: DSIR Geology & Geophysics. Miscellaneous series map / New Zealand Geological Survey 21 1 fold. map + 1 booklet
Abstract: The Thundergut sheet covers an area from the central Wright Valley across the Asgard Range to the Taylor Valley, Kukri Hills, and Friis Hills in southern Victoria Land. The valleys have been extensively glaciated, with numerous alpine glaciers remaining. Valley floors and sides expose Precambrian to Ordovician basement rocks which are overlain by flat-lying Devonian sediments on the range crests. Both basement and sediments are intruded by Jurassic dolerite sill which form prominent cliffs. (auths)