Barrell, D.J.A.; Andersen, B.G.; Denton, G.H.; Smith Lyttle, B. 2013 Glacial geomorphology of the central South Island, New Zealand - digital data. Lower Hutt: GNS Science. GNS Science monograph 27a Geographic Information System digital data files + explanatory notes (17 p.)
Abstract: GNS Science Monograph 27a comprises vector and raster data used to generate the maps published in GNS Science Monograph 27, which describes and illustrates the glacial landforms of the central part of the South Island of New Zealand. Monograph 27 includes a large-format 1:100,000-scale geomorphological map that was generated from these geospatial digital data. The geospatial data on this disk are provided as ESRI File Geodatabase layers and Shapefiles. The data can be used in ESRI GIS (ArcMap, ArcView 3.2, and ArcExplorer) and viewer (ArcReader) software. ArcMap, ArcView 3.2, and ArcReader projects with the data pre-loaded and symbolised are provided on this disk. The data can also be translated to other GIS formats. Metadata for geodatabase layers and shapefiles on this disk are also supplied together with links to the GNS Science web site. Documents included on this disk as PDF files are: Glacial geomorphology of the central South Island, New Zealand. GNS Science Monograph 27. Text and maps. 2011. Glacial geomorphology of the central South Island, New Zealand - Digital data. GNS Science monograph 27a. Explanatory notes. 2013.