Brathwaite, R.L.; Pirajno, F. 1993 Metallogenic map of New Zealand. Lower Hutt: Institute of Geological & Nuclear Sciences. Institute of Geological & Nuclear Sciences monograph 3 215 p.
Abstract: The metallogenic map of New Zealand shows the location, major metals present, order of size, and form of some 600 individual mineral deposits and occurrences. Of these 364, are gold deposits. The mineral deposit symbols are plotted on a simplified geological base map at 1:1 million scale with the aim of showing their relationship to lithological settings, including associated igneous rocks. The deposits are classified into four size classes, using the tonnage accumulation index of Laznicka, which allows direct comparison of the magnitude of deposits of different metals. Information on each mineral deposit is summarised in index tables based on major geotectonic units or deposit/commodity type. (auths)
Note there are 3 files to download - the text, North Island and South Island maps separately.