Buxton R.B.; Kelly, S.D. 2024 Review of resource consents relating to active fault and coastal hazards – Wellington Region. Lower Hutt, NZ: GNS Science. GNS Science miscellaneous series 149. 34 p.; doi: 10.21420/GN7M-6M04
A review was undertaken of resource consent decision-making regarding natural hazards by several Territorial Authorities (TA’s) in the Wellington Region. Fifteen resource consents were reviewed, covering land use, subdivision, combined land use and subdivision consents, and reviews or outline plans for designated sites. The review seeks to understand the nature of consents granted in natural hazard areas and associated decision-making considerations based on the policy framework at the time of decision – noting all District Plans are subject to relevant reviews or changes. The predominant natural hazard considered is active fault rupture, with two examples of coastal hazards also reviewed. Resource consent applications and decisions were sought and provided by the TA’s. (auths)