Building an evidence base for public education post the Canterbury earthquakes : a research workshop 13 September 2011

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Lindsay, J.; Johnston, D.M.; Hughes, M.E. 2011 Building an evidence base for public education post the Canterbury earthquakes : a research workshop 13 September 2011. Lower Hutt, NZ: GNS Science. GNS Science miscellaneous series 41 20 p.

Abstract: A workshop entitled Building an Evidence Base for Public Education Post the Canterbury Earthquakes was held on 13 September 2011 at the Joint Centre for Disaster Research (Massey University, Wellington campus). The workshop was organised by Dr. David Johnston, as part of the New Zealand Natural Hazards Platform, to provide a small group of researchers and practitioners an opportunity to share recent, current and planned public education activities. The presentations, summarised in this report, informed a discussion regarding future public education efforts and highlighted the need for ongoing cooperation between the research and practice communities. The workshop also carried forward some of the themes regarding the differences between public education and crisis communication that arose at an earlier workshop held in Christchurch on 7 April, 2011. This report also provides additional discussion of this issue. (auth)