Litchfield, N.J.; Berryman, K.R.; Christophersen, A.; Stein, R.; Willis, M. 2011 Inventory of existing fault databases and data attributes. Lower Hutt: GNS Science. GNS Science miscellaneous series 43 13 p.
Abstract: This report forms deliverable D1 of the GEM Faulted Earth project: Inventory of existing fault databases and data attributes. After a brief introduction the report is divided into two main sections. Section 2 contains a description and inventory of existing online, downloadable, and/or published national, regional, or global fault databases, much of which was compiled for the GEM Faulted Earth proposal submitted in July 2009. Significant updates since July 2009 and two new databases are also included. The section finishes with two tables listing the data attributes in these databases. Section 3 contains a critical review of the existing databases for use in the ongoing design of the GEM Faulted Earth database. Key findings include that many databases can be classified as either: (1) neotectonic fault and fold, or (2) fault source databases, although some of the more recent databases (DISS, SHARE, EMME) do contain some limited data of both. A combined database is an important design concept of GEM Faulted Earth. Comparison of database attributes shows that there are many in common between databases, particularly for fault source databases. GEM Faulted Earth must include these as well as region-specific attributes when building a global database. Specific features of some databases are also briefly discussed and result in recommendations such as using the DISS database map display, and the need to include subduction zones and mid ocean ridges and transform as a separate type of fault source. (auth)