Litchfield, N.J.; Thomas, R. 2013 Bulk upload of national and global databases : report produced in the context of the GEM Faulted Earth. Lower Hutt: GNS Science. GNS Science miscellaneous series 56 11 p. + appendices
Abstract: This report summarises the bulk upload of national and global active fault and fault source databases into the GEM Faulted Earth global active fault, fold, and fault source database, as at 31 May 2013 (v3.0.0). The report briefly describes the upload process and then for each database: (1) the data (and format) obtained or supplied; (2) the data that was uploaded (or omitted); (3) mapping of attributes from the supplied database to the GFE database; (4) any reformatting required; and (5) any additional data uploaded. The details of items (2) to (5) are contained in tables in the Appendices. The databases uploaded are: active fault databases of Japan, New Zealand, USA (mainland and Hawaii), Alaska and Australia, and fault source databases of New Zealand and global mid-ocean ridge transforms, although the latter also includes some limited active fault data. Not uploaded are global subduction thrusts or the Himalaya Frontal Thrust, which are being supplied to GEM independently. The upload process resulted in some minor modifications to the database schema, which have also been supplied to GEM independently. This report should be particularly useful for any subsequent bulk uploads of these databases. (auth)