Guidelines for compilation of neotectonic faults, folds and fault sources : report produced in the context of the GEM Faulted Earth

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Litchfield, N.J.; Wyss, B.; Christophersen, A.; Thomas, R.; Berryman, K.R.; Henshaw, P.; Villamor, P. 2013 Guidelines for compilation of neotectonic faults, folds and fault sources : report produced in the context of the GEM Faulted Earth. Lower Hutt: GNS Science. GNS Science miscellaneous series 57 28 p.

Abstract: This report provides an overview of the GEM Faulted Earth neotectonic fault, fold, and fold source database and guidelines for compiling new data into a web-based fault compilation tool. The report briefly describes the database design process and the development philosophies. The design philosophies include the use of multiple levels, compulsory and optional attributes, a hierarchical structure (traces, sections, faults), the conversion of folds to blind faults, the use of automatic calculations of fault sources, data completeness factors, and the treatment of uncertainties. The fault compilation tool has been designed for input of individual fault sections or folds and site-specific data. Guidelines for using the tool are presented as a series of illustrated steps in a workflow starting at entering traces through to generating fault sources, along with an additional optional step of entering observations at specific sites. (auth)