Stirling, M.W.; Goded, T. 2012 Magnitude scaling relationships : report produced for the GEM Faulted Earth & Regionalisation Global Components. Lower Hutt: GNS Science. GNS Science miscellaneous series 42 35 p.
Abstract: We provide a compilation and evaluation of 72 magnitude-area and magnitude-length scaling relationships. Of these, 18 are recommended for application in the Global Earthquake Model (GEM). Our report provides the equations, as well as relevant dialogue and guidelines to assist with using the regressions. The recommended regressions are sorted into four categories and eight subcategories of tectonic regime, four mechanism (slip-type) categories, and three levels of Quality score. The report will assist GEM Regional Programmes and Global Components in making appropriate choices of regressions for application in the GEM seismic hazard model. (auth)