Doing it better : improving scientific guidance for land use planners

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Kilvington, M.; Saunders, W.S.A. 2013 Doing it better : improving scientific guidance for land use planners. Lower Hutt: GNS Science. GNS Science miscellaneous series 64 27 p.

Abstract: This report is the result of a project funded by the GNS Science Strategic Development Fund and EQC, aimed at understanding how non-regulatory technical guidance is used by land use planners. This report also explores the barriers with uptake, and what could be done to improve future guidance material. The report is aimed primarily at authors of guidance material, but includes some suggestions for how the users of the guidance material themselves can contribute to better guidance generation. It highlights key areas for improving guidance material, and provides prompts, tips and suggestions for those involved in the design and distribution of guidance material. The report is based on a summary of views expressed in focus group interviews held in five different regions around New Zealand. The focus group participants were interviewed on their experience of guidance material from any and all sources (e.g. researchers, national agencies, groups of practitioners). Participants were from regional and territorial authorities and included land use planners, policy planners, civil defence emergency management (CDEM) staff, science and technical support staff. This report covers the following topics: • Guidance material purpose and focus; • Content (what participants want to see in guidance documents); • Credibility of guidance material and what contributes to this; • Suggestions regarding structure and form of guidance material; • Issues concerning dissemination and outreach; and • Issues raised about how guidance material fits into challenges facing the overall context of natural hazard management in New Zealand. (auth)