Pecher, I.A.; Plaza-Faverola, A.; Fohrmann, M.; Gorman, A.R.; Bowden, D.; Rowden, A.; Archer, R. 2013 Gas hydrate resources (GHR, 2010-2012) summary report on the GHR Research Programme. Lower Hutt, N.Z.: GNS Science. GNS Science miscellaneous series 65 24 p.
Abstract: Gas Hydrates Resources (GHR) from 2010-2012 was New Zealand’s first dedicated gas hydrates programme involving scientists at GNS Science, NIWA, the University of Otago, and the University of Auckland. While much of this research has focused on the Hikurangi Margin, we also found first indirect evidence for gas hydrates in the deep-water Northland and Taranaki Basins. GHR shed new light on the source of gas for hydrate formation on the Hikurangi Margin, gas hydrate reservoir rocks, and quantification of gas hydrates in a submarine channel. For this channel, we conducted first production models. A German-led research voyage by the R/V Sonne in 2011, which included acquisition of 3-D seismic data, provided information on the “plumbing system” beneath and through gas hydrates. We also started investigating the potential impact of gas hydrate production on seafloor communities. We have identified five potential targets for possible scientific exploration drilling one of which may be drilled in the next few years. (auth)