Orchiston, C.; Hudson-Doyle, E.; Johnston, D.M.; Becker, J.S.; Crowley, K.; Beatson, A.; Lambie, E.; Neely, D.P.; Pepperell, B. 2016 Citizen Science in Disaster Risk Management Workshop : summary report. : GNS Science. GNS Science miscellaneous series 90 iii, 35 p.
Abstract: In November 2015, the International Centre of Excellence: Community Resilience in Wellington conducted a workshop on Citizen Science in Disaster Risk Management. This workshop aimed to bring together interested parties from across agencies, community groups, scientists, software developers and educators to collectively explore the development, management and utilisation of citizen science projects in the context of Disaster Risk Management, and start the first of many discussions in a new ‘Citizen Science Network’. Speakers covered topics including ethics, participation, community based approaches and technologies, as well as providing examples from Otago Museum, GeoNet, MetService, and Rotary. Through a series of breakout sessions, key areas for development and research were identified by participants, under the themes ‘motivations for organising and participating in citizen science’, ‘understanding the technicalities of citizen science’, and ‘designing a framework and website for citizen science’. This report contains a brief summary of notes taken throughout the talks and the breakout sessions, to provide a resource for ongoing conversations around the need for a citizen science framework or web-based platform to assist people in the development and conduct of citizen science initiatives. (auth)