Pocknall, D.T.; Mildenhall, D.C. 1984 Late Oligocene-Early Miocene spores and pollen from Southland, New Zealand. DSIR: Wellington. New Zealand Geological Survey paleontological bulletin 51 64 p.
Abstract: Late Oligocene-early Miocene Gore Lignite Measures and associated marine and estuarine deposits cover several thousand square kilometres of eastern and northern Southland. the more common and stratigraphically significant spores and pollen obtained from many drillhole and surface sections within these deposits are described in this bulletin. Five new genera are described and 68 species considered. The new genera are , , , and . Thirty new species are described. These are and . In addition Mildenhall & Crosbie, Krutzsch, Ramanujam and Couper are emended. Seven species are recombined, and revised descriptions are given for seven others. Four new biostratigraphic zones are recognised, based on the ranges of a number of taxa described herein. In upward sequence the zones are: the Upper Zone, Zone, Zone and the Zone. The late Eocene Zone of Couper is renamed the Lower Zone and is redefined to include the early to middle Oligocene. (auth)