McKellar, I.C. 1977 Stratigraphy and fossil succession in the Mesozoic rocks of the Hokonui Hills, Southland, New Zealand. Lower Hutt: New Zealand Geological Survey. Report NZGS 83 86 p.
Abstract: This report supplements a previously published map (McKellar 1969) and describes the fossil succession and lithology along the lines of section from the Triassic Kaihikuan Stage to the Middle Jurassic Temaikan Stage within the Winton Sheet (S169) in the Hokonui Hills, Southland, New Zealand. The Hokonui Hills had been recognised in the early days of work by the Geological Survey, as a region where stratigraphic relationships between important fossil horizons could be determined. An account is given of work in the area from the 1860's to 1918. Much of the text is concerned with a review of the detailed work of S.H. Cox and Alexander McKay published in 1878. The map with this early report is inadequate, and sites of McKay's fossil collections in the western Hokonui Hills are relocated and described. Many additional fossil collections were made during field work for this report and their relationship with earlier collections is shown in tables, map and text. Included also as an appendix is a list of described and figured fossils from the Winton Sheet (Hokonui Hills), with previously unpublished locality notes by McKay.