An interim New Zealand geological time scale

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Crampton, J.S.; Beu, A.G.; Campbell, H.J.; Cooper, R.A.; Morgans, H.E.G.; Raine, J.I.; Scott, G.H.; Stevens, G.R.; Strong, C.P.; Wilson, G.J. 1995 An interim New Zealand geological time scale . Lower Hutt: Institute of Geological & Nuclear Sciences Institute of Geological & Nuclear Sciences science report 95/09 5 p.

Abstract: This New Zealand geological time scale has been specifically produced for use by the GNS Q-map Project. It is an interim revision of the existing standard New Zealand time scales. These are, for Cretaceous and Cenozoic rocks, Edwards et al. (1988) and, for older rocks, the wallchart time scale (Stevens, 1981). It is strongly recommended that other GNS projects which need to use, or refer to, a New Zealand scale use this revised version. A full revision of the New Zealand geological time scale is currently under way and will be the main focus of the work of the Paleontology and Stratigraphy Section over the next three to five years. The aim of the project is to improve the accuracy and calibration of the New Zealand scale. However, the results of this project will not be available until towards the end of its duration. Because the Q-map project is already underway an interim revised scale is needed. This interim revision incorporates the results of revised international correlations, and revised numerical calibrations of chronostratigraphic boundaries that are available in the literature. References are given to those publications used. It also incorporates much unpublished work by GNS paleontologists, acknowledged on each of the time scale sheets. Any queries arising from use of this scale should be directed to the specialist responsible, to the compiler, or to the Section Manager (R.A. Cooper). We would particularly like to have any amendments or suggestions that will lead to an improvement in the quality of the time scale. (auths)