Mineral resource assessment of the Coromandel region, New Zealand

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Christie, A.B.; Brathwaite, R.L.; Rattenbury, M.S.; Skinner, D.N.B. 2001 Mineral resource assessment of the Coromandel region, New Zealand . Lower Hutt: Institute of Geological & Nuclear Sciences. Institute of Geological & Nuclear Sciences science report 2001/11 84 p.

Abstract: The Coromandel region is one of the most mineral-rich regions of New Zealand. It includes most of the Hauraki Goldfield which comprises a large number of epithermal gold-silver-lead-zinc-copper deposits, a few epithermal pyrite and mercury deposits, and several occurences of porphyry copper style mineralisation, all related to late Cenozoic volcanism. The epithermal deposits have produced more than 350,000 kg of gold and 1.2 million kg of silver worth $6,760 million and $385 million respectively at current prices for gold (NZ$600/oz) and silver (NZ$10/oz). Gold and silver is currently produced from the Martha Hill open pit mine at Waihi (2,700 kg Au and 21,000 kg Ag annually). The region has also produced rock aggregate, sand limestone, clay, perlite, lead, zinc, copper and mercury. Rock aggregate, mostly andesite, and sand are currently mined from several operations, and limestone is extracted for local use as road aggregate and agricultural lime. Resources of rock aggregate, sand and limestone have not been quantified but are estimated to be large and sufficient to meet forseeable local demand. Potential resources estimated for 9 metallic mineral deposit models for the Coromandel region, total NZ$22,800 million, with an additional NZ$1000 million for a halloysite clay deposit model and NZ$57 million for a kaolinite clay model. (auth)