Turnbull, I.M.; Adams, C.J.; Beavan, R.J.; Forsyth, P.J.; Garnock-Jones, P.J.; Hayward, B.; Raine, J.I.; Thorn, V.; Vajda, V. 2004 Report on visit to Subantarctic Islands, March 2004 . Lower Hutt: Institute of Geological & Nuclear Sciences. Institute of Geological & Nuclear Sciences science report 2004/09 34 p.
Abstract: In March 2004 a combined scientific party visited the Auckland and Campbell island groups in New Zealand’s subantarctic region. Research programmes investigated botany, phytoliths in both plants and soil, earth deformation, intertidal and shallow marine fauna and flora, Cretaceous and Cenozoic fossiliferous sediments, the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary, heavy minerals in basement rock and overlying sediments, and the glacial geology of Campbell Island. Brief stops were made in Port Ross, to install GPS monitoring equipment and to collect plants from Enderby Island. A day in Carnley Harbour enabled collections to be made from sedimentary units in Camp Cove and on Musgrave Peninsula, and of botanical material from Skua Gull Flat. During four days at Campbell Island, investigations concentrated on the shores of Perseverance Harbour (especially Camp Cove), the northwest and southeast coasts, Six Foot Lake, and Col-Lyall saddle, with one trip made to the northern end of the island. GPS equipment at Port Ross was uplifted on the return trip. (auth)