Rovins, J.E.; Feldmann-Jensen, S.; Jensen, S.J. 2017 Caribbean core competency for emergency and disaster management roadmap. Lower Hutt, N.Z.: GNS Science. GNS Science report 2017/46 40 p.; doi: 10.21420/G22W6Z
Abstract: A ‘roadmap’ for the development of core competencies was established in a joint effort between the Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency (CDEMA) and the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT) with support of GNS Science, Massey University Joint Centre for Disaster Research (JCDR) and New Zealand Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management (MCDEM). The forward planning effort moves toward supporting the Caribbean region’s Comprehensive Disaster Management (CDM) initiatives through the development of core competencies. Leaders from CDM and education came together for a core competency development workshop in 19-20 June 2017. The workshop insights have informed this report. Wide agreement was established in the workshop that a Caribbean CDM core competency framework could have important benefits to the professionalization of CDM in the region. The established CDM and supporting frameworks in the Caribbean region are central existing elements that can underpin a successful formulation and implementation of core competencies. These supporting components form four well-developed pillars: The Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Strategic Plan for the Caribbean Community 2015 – 2019 (see Appendix 2) expresses high level commitment to development of a future workforce that is able to face the complexity of CDM issues. Additionally, the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (2015) calls for fundamental shifts in the way the Caribbean nations and the rest of the world approach CDM. CDEMA’s Regional Comprehensive Disaster Management (CDM) and Strategy and Results Framework 2014 – 2024 identify the priority outcomes for CDM. The outcomes all rely on a high functioning CDM workforce with core competencies matched to the priority outcomes. Qualifications frameworks and education strategies are currently being established as a regional strategy across the Caribbean. The strategy implementation provides the necessary mechanisms for implementing core competencies. CDM core competency designs have been developed in a few other countries, which can provide good models to accelerate the development of appropriate core competencies for the Caribbean. The established CDM core competencies of other locations can also provide insight into appropriate methodology options for establishing a core competency framework. The four pillars are foundational pieces in place that will enable the formation and implementation of a Caribbean CDM Core Competency Framework. Moreover, the project relies on linking these elements for unity of effort and rapid diffusion. The CARICOM Strategic Plan for the Caribbean Community 2015-2019 addresses this type of cross-cutting strategic initiative and provides for the role of “change driver”. The Roadmap examines the regional context for formulating, refining, and implementing a core competency framework, together with what has been learned from similar initiatives in other parts of the world. Reference mater ials are provided in the appendices to help frame the project and facilitate discussions. Importantly, the functional demands of CDM are shifting in relationship to uncertain, dynamic, and complex environments. Accordingly, the core competency project can integrate the aspirational tenor of CDM policies and reflect approaches of developed frameworks from other locations. CDEMA is well positioned to provide regional leadership in the building of a professional supporting workforce through the thoughtful establishment of CDM core competencies. (auth)