Hart RJA, Palmer NG. 2022. Kinematics of the New Zealand plate boundary: field report on GNSS surveys of the Taupō Volcanic Zone and Hauraki Rift (TVZ2021). Lower Hutt (NZ): GNS Science. 30 p. (GNS Science report; 2021/41). doi:10.21420/G9KF-9N29.
During February 2021, a combined team from GNS Science and Land Information New Zealand (LINZ) re-measured a network of 103 geodetic survey markers, using Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) methods, throughout the Taupō Volcanic Zone and Hauraki regions of New Zealand for monitoring regional deformation due to tectonic processes. Previous comprehensive GNSS surveys of these regions have been carried out in 2015 (TVZ2015 [unpublished]), 2011 (2011TARA-TVZ [unpublished]), 2007 (TVZ2007 [unpublished]), 2005 (TVZ2005 [Palmer 2005]), 1995 (TVZ1995 [Blick et al. 1995]), 1994 (TVZ1994 [Darby and Meertens 1995]), 1993 (TVZ1993 [Blick 1993]), 1992 (TVZ1992 [Blick et al. 1992]) and 1991 (TVZ1991 [Blick 1991]), primarily for the Taupō Volcanic Zone. The Hauraki region was included following GNSS surveys for LINZ in 2013 (2013NNI [Palmer 2015]) and 2017 (2017NNI [unpublished]), and by Earthquake-Commission-funded PhD work of Robert Pickle in 2015, 2016 and 2017 (Pickle 2019) to better constrain deformation rates in this area. This report documents the field operations of the TVZ2021 re-survey. It describes the logistics of the campaign, the sites occupied and the data collected. The observations and data collected during this survey are intended to fulfil GNS Science’s obligation to LINZ under the contract outlined below: Contract name: ‘Regional Deformation Monitoring Service’. (The authors)