Landslide hazard and risk assessment for the Fox and Franz Josef Glacier valleys

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Massey CI, de Vilder SJ, Taig T, Lukovic B, Archibald GC, Morgenstern R. 2022. Landslide hazard and risk assessment for the Fox and Franz Josef Glacier valleys. Lower Hutt (NZ): GNS Science. 79 p. + appendices. (GNS Science report; 2022/29). doi:10.21420/P8H1-N669.

This report has been prepared by the Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences Limited (GNS Science) for the Department of Conservation (DOC), in response to a request from them for a quantitative assessment of the risk posed by landslides within the Fox and Franz Josef Glacier valleys. The quantitative landslide risk assessment is based on risk-estimation methods that follow appropriate parts of the Australian Geomechanics Society framework for landslide risk management. It provides landslide risk estimates suitable for use under AS/NZS ISO 31000: 2009. The objectives of this study are: 1) to inform DOC of the spatial and temporal variation of risk and of the factors most contributing to landslide risk in the two study areas; and 2) using the information from the quantitative landslide risk assessments to provide advice to help DOC to manage visitor and staff safety so that the risk is as low as reasonably practicable (ALARP). (The authors)