Bathymetric map of Lake Rotorua, New Zealand

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de Ronde, C.E.J.; Caratori Tontini, F.; Black, J. 2023 Bathymetric map of Lake Rotorua, New Zealand. Lower Hutt, NZ: GNS Science. GNS Science Rotorua Lakes map series. 1 sheet, scale 1:17,500; doi: 10.21420/VD5P-N342


This map poster shows a detailed view of the lake floor bathymetry in Lake Rotorua at a scale of 1:17,500. There are also three smaller maps detailing free air gravity, total magnetic intensity and conductive heat-flow over the lake. The map shows what appears to be an ancient river that runs from offshore Sulphur Point to west of Mokoia Island towards Mourea in the NE of the lake. Immediately offshore Sulphur Point are numerous craters that are host to several hydrothermal vents that are discharging hot, acidic, fluid. The lake floor is covered by thousands of pockmarks, some up to 50 m in diameter, which are thought to be caused by gas discharge. The gravity map shows that the greywacke basement is dipping under the lake while the magnetic map shows both the projection of volcanic units into the lake and the delineation of the sublacustrine hydrothermal system offshore Sulphur Point. The heat flow map clearly demarcates that same hydrothermal system and suggests a lesser one is situated NW of Mokoia Island. This 841 mm by 841 mm sized map is the fourth in the Rotorua Lakes Map Series