Becker, J.S.; Carter, L.; Brower, A.; McBride, S.K.; Beaven, S.; Schoenfeld, M.; Johnston, D.M. 2017 Effective input of earthquake science and engineering information into decision making : results of a workshop discussion, 26 April 2017. Lower Hutt, N.Z.: GNS Science. GNS Science report 2017/53 18 p.; doi: 10.21420/G2GP9R
Abstract: A three-hour workshop on earthquake science-to-practice was held in Wellington, New Zealand on 26 April 2017. The objective was to provide a forum to discuss the contribution of earthquake science and engineering to decision-making (with a focus on policy). Over 40 people attended, from disciplines that included earthquake science, structural engineering, engineering geology, social science, and economics; and relevant sectors such as emergency management, policy (at local, regional and central government levels), consultancies, and insurance. The workshop provided a useful forum for getting people together to discuss science-to-practice issues and opportunities. It allowed participants to think more broadly about potential barriers (i.e. from communication through to collaboration), and consider how people can work together better within current decision-making environments. There is considerable scope for future initiatives of this kind, which raise awareness, broaden perspectives and build relationships to support future decision-making. (auth)